Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One month left

This is it. This is the final stretch. The 41st Infantry Brigade Combat Team is expected home mid-April. I did not start a countdown and do not plan to start one because I think that would make the days longer. I want to go through each day and then, "Boom!" we're there.

Everything is winding down over there. The guys have started packing their belongings, and they are moving to tents soon to prepare for the next wave of soldiers. Though no one wants to move, I think in a way they are glad because that is an indication that they are coming home soon.

Every now and then, it hits me that it's been a year, and I'm amazed. When he left, I thought to myself, "A year is nothing." I truly believe that. Anyone can do anything for a year. It's no big deal. But I still tell myself, "A year is nothing," except it is no longer a year. It is a month. I think that actually keeps my anticipation down, so I am not driven crazy by the fact that it's soon. I prefer that so I don't have to freak out every day, "He's coming home soon, he's coming home soon, he's coming home soon!"

I don't anticipate that our adjustment period will be too difficult. Adam doesn't seem to have changed much. I think I'm fairly the same. We're pretty independent, so it's not as though our other half has been missing for a year -- we're two full pieces that have been apart, and it will be great to put them next to each other again. :)

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